April 2024

Current Read & Monthly Favorites:

  • Currently Reading: The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle 

  • Listening to: The Land, The Water, The Sky album by Black Belt Eagle Scout (Especially love the songs “Salmon Stinta” and “Spaces”)

  • Cozy Game: Snufkin: Melody of Moominvalley

Hi friends, 

I hope you’re all doing well. I thought I would try something different and share a video of little moments from last month.

April Comic

When I was drawing this month’s comic, there were two things that came to mind. 

The first one is that whenever I’m feeling sad or anxious, walking in nature helps me feel more at ease. The second was about my fear of forgetting things (loved ones, important conversations with them, jokes, and the little things) and how can I improve the health of my brain. As someone who loves routine, I tend to pay attention to things that are already familiar because they’re comforting.

The downside is that I wind up worrying that I’m not exposing my brain to new things which can be really important. So this is just a reminder for me to take the time to get my brain out there a little bit more. To learn something new and exercise my mind.

One year later… Seconds Sale

It took me a looooong time but I've finally organized and looked through all my seconds pins. I know some of you have asked about my Seconds Sale, thank you so much for your patience! I'm so happy to have this option in my shop again.

If you're still interested or want to take a peak, here's the direct link: https://www.justinegilbuena.com/seconds-sale

Patreon April Snail Mail

If you’re interested in this month’s snail mail, I’ll send them out to any new patrons that sign up for the $10 tier between now and the end of the month.

That’s all for now! I hope you all have a lovely new week!

Justine 🌸


March 2024